Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Week one is over!

It seems like eons ago that I was assembling my bike in the terminal of Denver International Airport. It's hard to fathom that I met Bob, Sherry, Ken, Kelley, Nate, Karen and so, so many other people in just these last seven days. And to see the glorious architecture of the Rockies and beyond: I have no words for it all. If only every week could be as much of a rollercoaster ride.

Home feels like a million miles away right now. It makes it easier since I don't have a home in the sense of a place I'm really attached to. My parents are happily married, but my mom lives in Dallas where I've never been. My Dad lives in Gahanna, OH in an apartment that I lived in for two weeks before leaving on my trip. And the dorm I lived in last year at Ohio State is being torn down (RIP Stradley Hall).

In that sense, the nomadic lifestyle I'm leading is working for me. I don't miss home because I'm home every night; home is whereever I close my eyes and rest for the night. Be it a palatial house or a tent on the shores of a mosquito-infested lake: it's home.

I sincerely miss the people that used to make my home a jolly environment though. But I'm making do on my own. In middle school, I learned the importance of, first and foremost, being your own best friend. To be able to retreat into the clouds of your mind and live there in harmony grants an impregnable confidence. No person, emotion, or situation can break you then.

That last thought is underdeveloped and unfinished and I really shouldn't post it yet, but flesh it out in the Comments section if you sort of understand what I mean or need clarification.

Today's ride was fine. It was a short 41 miles from Saratoga, WY to Rawlins, WY. Rumor has it that the state gets prettier as one goes further north, so we'll see. I promise I didn't stop taking pictures; there's just nothing to see. It's essentially a desert at 7000 feet.

Love you all. Take your vitamins and sleep well!
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  1. Yes...first post!! That's all I wanted to say. ha They are correct, Wyoming's scenery does become more appealing. As you head north, the prairie dessert will gradually retreat as lush vegetation and conifer trees reclaim the landscape. Oh have you run into any prairie maggots on your journey? (It's what locals call sheep) Oh and jackalopes, gotta get a picture of one of those. And speaking of pictures, you need to post at least one of the waste land you are migrating through, so everyone can see the infinite hills.

  2. I feel like you and I had a really long, probably schwastey, conversation about being your own best friend one time. I miss yooooou! But I am super excited your adventure if going well. Minus the Wyoming part.

  3. I want to see pictures of this desolate landscape, regardless of its mundane nature!!!!!!!!

  4. BTW, I've put your face as a tiled background on my computer. I NEVER use tile on my background pictures (unless they're stuffed goats). Congratulations to you.

  5. Or unless its Bob Nunnaly!
    Oh Kinza you are hillarious.

  6. where are you my baboo i want to go to bed i can't sleep with out talk to you i just finish my namaz & pray for you.Allah keep you safe & healthy all the time.
