Saturday, August 20, 2011

The End of It All

I'm currently on my flight back to Columbus. I boxed up my bike last night, took a cab to the airport ($40), and paid to fly with my bike ($50). Thankfully, my mom works for Southwest so everything else was free. Thanks, mom/Southwest!

As always, I'm here to answer and bike touring questions you may have. Specific bike suggestions aren't really my specialty (your local bike shop would serve you much better than I can). But if you have any questions about being on the road, please comment and ask. I get emails whenever someone comments so just because this tour is over doesn't mean that I won't answer.

I'm in the process of composing a list of many of the things I've learned over the last 60 days. Check back in a couple of days for that.

As for my next tour, I'm thinking of doing some work in the south in December. Perhaps Los Angeles to Las Vegas via Death Valley. Houston to South Padre Island. Florida. We'll see. I don't have any weather information for those places in December so that's a huge undecided factor.

I don't know when my next long tour will be. Internships and other complications might/will steal my summers from now on so it's up in the air. I'd like to explore India or China whenever possible though.

I'm tempted to end this on a melodramatic, mushy note about this being the adventure of a lifetime and totally perspective-altering. But that's not the truth. It'll will always be my first. The first of many adventures I plan on taking. So there will always be a special place for that.

As for an ending, let's try this: thank you for following me on this grand adventure. Your words of encouragement, advice, and even just the knowledge that people cared enough to read about me kept me going through many a tough mile. And that's all this was really. Just one mile after the next on the road.
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  1. Yay!! It was so fun reading up on you all summer Shahmeer :) Can't wait till when I see you again and we get to trade stories !

  2. Thank you for sharing your adventure! I am glad to see you think of this as your first. Life is just a series of adventures, don't stop taking them, or life gets boring!

  3. Welcome home baby jaan, until next time.
    Luv U Lots

  4. 11 years later I'm still waiting on the list of many of the things you've learned on your trip!
