Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My question for you.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Try to be as specific as possible.

The circumstances can be your own. To live, to visit, to do whatever. With whoever. I'm just curious.

Please comment if you're reading and let me know. Leave your name if you're comfortable. All you need to comment is a Gmail account. Thanks!


  1. Hey it's Syd, your blog is so nicely formatted. I'm enjoying the writing styles of your posts.

    Anyways, I wouldn't be able to pick just one country to visit, because the countries I want to visit is endless.

    A country where I would like to live is Germany. I enjoy their lifestyle, their cultural and how they portray emotion. I also appreciate their foreign sense of humor, and their attitudes towards social services.
    I'm fascinated with their history, and their economy, a power-house, especially during this time of Europe's recession.

    And to me, their language is beautiful.

  2. It's Andy and I would like to take a drive on the pacific coast highway at dusk. Sounds relaxing.

  3. Tanzania! Also, I thought you would like to know that there is a very strong possibility that I will be biking cross country next summer!

  4. Sydney, Australia. I wanna see the reef!

  5. New Zealand. I'm going to follow the footsteps of Aragorn from the moment he appears at the Prancing Pony.

  6. I would go to some remote location in South America, live with the natives, and photograph anything and everything.

  7. I could never pick just one. I have a dream that someday I will leave behind much of my things, hop on my bike with my wife, and go wherever the road takes us. I want to cross continents and see everything I can.

  8. Venice/Milan that I have always wanted to visit and Makkah/Madina that I would never get enough of. And yes I would like to go with Dad even after 24 years of marriage. What does that tell you :)

  9. Ajda here.

    I'd choose...Norway. Recent tragedies notwithstanding, I want to live there, partially because I like cooler weather, partially because it's the happiest country in the world, partially because tons of good music comes from that region, partially because Norwegian men supposedly make the best husbands, partially because it looks beautiful there....I have a lot of reasons.

  10. For some weird reason I've always wanted to go to Ireland. I just think the country side out there is beautiful. Recently I mentioned this to my Gram and she said she has always wanted to go to Scotland so she said after I graduate we'll have to make a trip to both. However whenever I thought about going before she said that I always wanted to go with one of my good guy friends Alex.

  11. People dream of seeing the world (myself included) and I believe it may be because humans are wired to be explorers. At least some of them. Whatever the case, I think the biggest challenge of going on any big adventure or traveling is beginning. But the moment you decide you really want to take your vision of going somewhere and turn it into reality and make the first step, that is when the opportunity for your adventure really begins.

    Where you go doesn't matter nearly as much as why you go and if you go.

  12. I would either go to Ireland or Australia. They both seem like beautiful places!
