Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Plans for today

Hey there. Last night, I stayed with at couple of Warmshowers hosts in Port Townsend, WA. The bed I slept on had some magical enchantments on it so I didn't wake up until 8 AM, a record for me lately.

I have some more route stuff figured out for the moment. Tonight, I'm heading to Klahowya Campground which is a 20 or so miles outside of Forks. It's an 87 mile ride so it shouldn't be much of an issue. My destinations the next two nights after that are what I'm really excited about.

I've heard rumours about some show-stoppingly beautiful, completely secluded beaches on the Washington coast. Last night my host, Lowell, showed me where two of them are on a map. So I'm headed to Second and Third Beach tomorrow night. I'm told that camping right on the beach and watching the sunset will be very doable.

The next night, I'm headed into the Hog Rainforest. I've heard things floating around about the area, mainly that it's the only temperate rainforest in the lower 48 states. I cannot confirm or deny this yet. But that should be awesome as well.

I'm leaving civilization way behind for the next three days at least. Hopefully, I'll have a little glimmer of cell phone service somewhere so I can do some updates. If not, look for some truly awesome pictures coming up soon.

Finally, I'm coming home in three weeks! Today is Day 42 on the road. It's incredible that so much can be packed into such a meager number of days in comparison to the rest of my life. I can't get philosophical now because I need to get the hell on the road. But look for me back in Columbus, OH somewhere around August 23!

Today's picture is completely unrelated to the post. I just miss my mom and dad. Also, high school feels like eons ago. But that picture was taken less than 14 months ago. Wow.

See you on the flip side, my friends.



  1. Happy Family.
    Glad you will be here on Eid.

  2. I posted before but i don't know why it didn't go throw,we also missing our oldest son "come back soon" i start marking on calender now.today is 2nd Ramdan Eid is on 30 August.In this month may be Christ is going to change & be come Muslim i am taking her to mosque soon!

  3. Oh the wonders of spell checker :))
